Design and construct miniature battle robots and compete in a final battlebot championship!
Team Registration cut off - 25 February
The MicroFighters Battlebot Fighting League is a new event initiative offered by the School of Creative Technologies. The event will invite students to design and construct miniature battle robots, which will compete in a final battlebot championship. Students will be technically guided over a 5 week period, in which they will learn the basic principles of 3d modelling and electronics. This will culminate in a rolling chassis with functional RC controls, however, students will be required to design and fabricate their battle bot shells outside the guided sessions.
In addition, students will have the option to design one primary active weapon, as well as passive weapons. The event facilitators will guide and assist groups with the primary weapon integration.
This event is similar in nature to the Mini Mars Rover Event and serves to introduce and reinforce participants skills relating to the MakerSpace offerings.
Unlike the MMR event, this event is open to First Years. This decision has been made so that students are introduced to the MakerSpace and the Creative Computing modules in their first year. The hope of this event is to encourage students to choose Creative Technologies as their major and will serve students well in the CC course.While the MMR competition was successful, we have seen a need for a less technically challenging event. The inclusion of first-year students will hopefully generate the numbers to make these events a bigger affair than they have been in the past…