Honours Exhibition 2023

We look forward to sharing the 2023 FA, AA, CT and VC Honours students’ work with you.

The Honours students’ final exhibition features practical outcomes developed parallel to their research paper. This means that the practical work on display at the Honours exhibition is intricately connected to their research. The practical outcomes are not just influenced by the research but actively inform and shape their entire study. We encourage your active engagement with the students and their work during the exhibition to initiate further dialogue on their topics.

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday 22 November – 18:00

Visual Communication:
Shizelle Bezuidenhout
Werner Botha
Lisha Mitchell
Emma-Gene Nel
Cassidy Zeiss

Animation Arts & Film Arts:
Loren Watson
Nicole Thackwray
William Basson
Alec Abouchabki
Caleb Billings

Creative Technologies:
Cayla Botha
Carlo Kuyper
Leo Kuyper
Ivana de Vittorio